on Saturday, May 19, 2012
هذه الصورة تم تصغيرها . إضغط على هذا الشريط لرؤية الصورة بحجمها الطبيعي . أبعاد الصورة الأصلية 600x328 .

الدفع عن طريق الموبايل

أخبار حلوة جدا عن بدء تفعيل خدمة تحويل الأموال عن طريق الموبايل الشهر القادم في مصر.

إلى أصحاب المشاريع الصغيرة ومن يريد التسوق الإلكتروني اخبار حلوة في مصر تقدر تدفع عن طريق الموبايل 
بعيد عن كل المشاكل التي ممكن أن يواجها المستخدم أو ال مشتري من تحول البنكي وال paypal 

الميزة في فكرة تحويل الاموال عبر المحمول هى ان معظم الناس عندها خطوط محمول بل وان كنت ازعم ان كل من عنده خط انترنت هو في الغالب ايضا يمتلك خط محمول ودة معناه ان فكرة الاضطرار الى اللجوء الى كروت الإئتمان التي لا يمتلكها الكثير ومن يمتلكها غالبا يخشى استخدامها على الانترنت لن تكون عائقا امام اتمام عملية البيع عن طريق الانترنت دون الحاجة الى طريقة الدفع عند الاستلام التي انقرضت منذ زمن في اغلب الدول وحل محلها طرق اخرى مثل Paypal وغيره. 
هذه الخدمة الى جانب كونها ميزة كبيرة للتجار والمشترين فهى ايضا سوف تكون ميزة لشركات المحمول التي ستساهم في تنشيط التجارة الالكترونية وتحصل عمولات على كل عملية دفع تتم عن طريقها وبالتالي ستزيد ارباح هذه الشركات

Online Debating Platform Naqeshny Utilizes Colors to Group Mindsets, Spark Discussions

Naqeshny is an online platform for debates and discussions. It connects people based on their opinions rather than friendship, as well as spark healthy debates between opposing views. The service utilizes a clever color coding system where a user’s assigned color is representative of his ideology.
“Naqeshny was born as a result of the events taking place in the Arab world, where most citizens are preoccupied with politics and issues concerning their future; we aim to be a part of this by facilitating the engagement of discourse and social interaction between individuals in a civilized manner.”
During the registration process, users are asked a set of questions which are used to formulate a basic understating of their ideologies. Naqeshny will then use this information to assign a color to the registrants logo. As a result, users can easily spot similar mindsets or engage with opposing ones and explore different perspectives. Even more interesting is that a user’s color will automatically alter as his views change over time.
During a debate, which can be either public or private between 2 members, Naqeshny allows members to support their arguments by adding photos, video, or news clips from the web. The site also uses a voting system to determine the popularity of each of the arguments given during the discussion.

Real money, real results, real experience!

The Google Online Marketing Challenge (GOMC) is an exciting opportunity for students to experience online marketing and creating online marketing campaigns using Google AdWords & Google+. As well, students and their professors can win great prizes. Over 50,000 students from almost 100 countries have participated in past years.
With a US$250 budget provided by Google, students develop an online advertising strategy for a real business or non-profit organization that has not used AdWords in the last six months. The global winners and their professor receive a trip to the Google Headquarters in Mountain View, California to meet with the AdWords team. Regional winners and their professor receive a trip to a regional Google office. Visit the Winners page to see the 2011 Challenge winners.
The competition is open to all students, regardless of major, with teams ranging in size from three to six. All students must register under a verified professor/instructor at a higher education institution. The key dates for the Challenge can be found on the About the Challenge page.
2012 Registration from here